Yes, you got me right. Let me see...well, I have been working for years in a government sector, I would say life is kind interesting and routine sometimes though I have reward this year. But, I only god rewards in title of VERSATILE STAFF. However, I really appreciate the rewards that been given to me. Thanks god for giving me some space to show my credibility.
Sometimes, I would think and wish I could go back to school and make life more determined and occupied. Nevertheless, I did not really take a single moment to think one step further seriously and in fact I do hate examination. That was my thinking last 2 years.
However, the same thought kept flashing through my mind and driving me to make it real recently when I have fiancée. We, plan to further our studies together. I am not sure if this time I will really manage to do it, but I did input some effort to gather relevant information for the courses from local universities. My husband further in CAS school and I was in COB school in the same university. Very happy, we went to class together.
Looking at the course structures, some of the subject really give me a fright, especially doing research.Again!!!. But, I still hav to face it. Furthermore I would have to sacrifices my leisure time after work.
I believe thing will go smooth till I graduate. Just do it, face it and fight for it.
mEaNinG Of LiFE
Some people might say life sucks
or life is full of shit
While other people say life is beautiful
or life is full of surprises
I must say, I agree with all those
Life is whatever you think of it..and everything you think of it
Life is what you make it of it and what you say of it.
Life is about sadness
Life is about happiness
Life is about pain
Life is miserable
Life is about loss
Life is about smiling
Life is about crying
Life is about love
Life is about laughter
Life is about learning from your mistakes
Life is horrible
Life is dumb
Life is awesome
Life is depression
Life is tears
Life is sorrow
Life is anxiety
Life is Bullshit
Life stinks
Life sucks
I could go on and on and tell you all about life
But I'm not here to sort this out for you
Life is all about you and how you treat it
You criticizes it...well, you're actually criticizing yourself
You like it, you hate it..well, its all up to you
Life is you so be careful how you describe it
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Monday, March 23, 2009 at 4:27 AM Posted by ruswahida